I Want It Now!

One of my favorite childhood movies is Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. (The 1971 version, not that Johnny Depp nonsense.) I love the film on a variety of levels, from its silliness and imaginative flair, to the way it not-so-subtly critiques the evils of greed, consumerism, narcissism and arrogance. Over the course of the …

The Power To Trust

It’s easy to underestimate the value of trust in my daily life. For example, I generally feel secure in the quality of the food I buy. This relieves me from a huge amount of worry and second-guessing when I sit down for a meal. I trust that those who produce and package my food take …

Holy Weakness

If there were a basic textbook on what it means to be a follower of Jesus in community, it would have to be the Book of Acts. A sequel to the Gospel of Luke, Acts tells the story of the early Church: an expanding, multi-ethnic community gathered around a common devotion to Jesus and a …

Taking Our Faith Into The Streets – Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #59

Dear friends, This month has felt like a chance to take a wider view of the work that God is calling me to. It’s easy to get bogged down in tasks and details, but recently I’ve had some great opportunities to break out of my regular routine and engage in ministry that is outside of …