In the Ash Heap and By the River – There’s Only One Way Home

When I first felt called to ministry over a decade ago, I had a lot to say. I thought I had solutions to important problems. There was so much I wanted to contribute. For many years I was extremely active. I studied and traveled. I spoke and wrote. I plumbed the depths in spiritual exploration, …

Should I Question Authority – Or Obey?

Should Christians Question Authority – Or Obey?

The Bible’s teachings on authority come not primarily though a set of terse doctrines set forth in a few lines, but rather through hundreds of stories. We learn about God’s authority and humanity’s original rebellion in the Garden of Eden. We encounter Moses’ authority, and the challenge it represented to the authority of Pharaoh in …

That Gospel You Keep Reading - It Isn't What You Think It Means

That Gospel – I Don’t Think It Means What You Think It Means

This is a sermon that I preached on Sunday, 12/3/17, at the Washington City Church of the Brethren. The scripture readings for this sermon were: Isaiah 64:1-9, 1 Corinthians 1:3-9, & Mark 13:24-37. You can listen to the audio, or keeping scrolling to read my manuscript. (FYI, the spoken sermon differs from the written text.) …

How Can I Stay Awake in an Age of Distractions?

This past weekend the Friends of Jesus Fellowship gathered in Barnesville, Ohio. Our theme was “Stay Awake” – drawn from the teachings of Jesus to his sleepy disciples. Even 2,000 years before cell phones, streaming music, cable news, and video games, it was hard to stay awake. The original Jesus community struggled to stay conscious, …

Do You Think You'll Age Like Wine?

Do You Think You’ll Age Like Wine?

Christianity is a wine-soaked religion. My teetotalling Quaker ancestors did their level best to rid the world of alcohol. Still, the pages of the Bible are full of references to the drink. Jesus’ ministry began and concluded with celebration. He kept a wedding party going strong into the night when he transformed water into wine. …