Stripping Down and Building Up – Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #48

Dear friends, After a period of uncertainty and reflection, new paths are emerging for our work of seeding the Kingdom here in the District of Columbia. For Capitol Hill Friends, this month has been one of major reorientation. Over the past three years, we focused on our regular worship service as the centerpiece of our …

Discerning the Way Forward – Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #47

Dear Friends in Truth, As a church planter, I have noticed that there is a certain rhythm to each year. The very beginning of the calendar is a key time, when everyone begins to re-focus after the bustle of the holidays. In January through March, new things happen in congregations, and unique growth is possible. …

Drawn Into the Light – Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #44

Dear friends in Truth, This is turning out to be a summer to remember. The day after sending out my last ministry newsletter, I was arrested by US Capitol Police while attending a Senate Banking Committee hearing featuring Jamie Dimon – CEO and Chairman of JP Morgan Chase. Dimon was there to explain why his …

Gathering in the Spirit – Micah’s Ministry Newsletter #42

Dear sisters and brothers, I have been given many opportunities this month to travel in gospel service to a variety of communities, both among Friends and in the wider ecumenical Church. In all of my travels, I have joined with my brothers and sisters in asking hard questions: As followers of Jesus, how are we …