Do we really want to know God? Or would we prefer a diety who stays at a distance? Perhaps a god to establish some ground rules, but otherwise stay out of the picture?
Do we really want to know Jesus – intimately? Do we want to know him as he truly is? What if he does not affirm the way we are living? What if his love is a consuming fire, demanding radical change in the way we think, feel, and lead our lives? What if Jesus is nothing like we expected? What if instead of peace, he brings a sword – dismembering our comfortable, self-centered lives?
Real relationship with God means surrender. Our spiritual ancestors knew this. That is why they always clamored for an intercessor, someone to stand between them and God. The Hebrews in the desert begged Moses to speak for them, rather than come face to face with the painful radiance of God’s glory. Later, they demanded a human king to rule over them.
We can deal with a man – just please, oh, please do not make us face the gaze of the Almighty!
Do we honestly want to know the Lord? Do we want to meet Jesus’ gaze and hear his voice? Are we ready for the loss of control; the life change he will demand of us; the mission he will charge us with? Will we allow Jesus to reveal himself as he truly is, not as we wish he were?