In the Ash Heap and By the River – There’s Only One Way Home

When I first felt called to ministry over a decade ago, I had a lot to say. I thought I had solutions to important problems. There was so much I wanted to contribute. For many years I was extremely active. I studied and traveled. I spoke and wrote. I plumbed the depths in spiritual exploration, …

When Your Personal Brand Becomes Your Personal Hell

“Who am I?” It’s never been an easy question to answer. Adolescents have always struggled to define themselves, but these days it seems like we’re all teenagers. Each of us feels pressure to create a personal brand. Whether we meant to or not, we’ve all become political agents, minor celebrity personalities, and part-time philosophers. Our …

Should I Question Authority – Or Obey?

Should Christians Question Authority – Or Obey?

The Bible’s teachings on authority come not primarily though a set of terse doctrines set forth in a few lines, but rather through hundreds of stories. We learn about God’s authority and humanity’s original rebellion in the Garden of Eden. We encounter Moses’ authority, and the challenge it represented to the authority of Pharaoh in …

Does the Bible Contradict Itself About Faith Versus Works?

This is a sermon that I preached on Sunday, 10/15/17, at the Washington City Church of the Brethren. The scripture readings for this sermon were: James 2:14-26 & Romans 4:1-12. You can listen to the audio, or keeping scrolling to read my manuscript. (FYI, the spoken sermon differs significantly from the written text.) Listen to …

With So Much Fake Religion Out There, How Can I Find What's Real?

With So Much Fake Religion Out There, How Can I Find What’s Real?

This is a sermon that I preached on Sunday, 10/1/17, at the Washington City Church of the Brethren. The scripture readings for this sermon were: James 1:19-27 & Philippians 2:1-13. You can listen to the audio, or keeping scrolling to read my manuscript. (FYI, the spoken sermon differs significantly from the written text.) Listen to …

Works Versus Faith? You're Asking the Wrong Question

Works Versus Faith? You’re Asking the Wrong Question

Which is more important – works or faith? Christian leaders and theologians have been fighting over this question since the beginning of the church. Even in the pages of the New Testament, you find an intense conversation about the role of faith versus works. The Book of James seems to argue for the supremacy of …